10 random and interesting history facts


Here are some randomized, interesting history facts just for you:

1. Did you know that the shortest war ever recorded was between the countries of Zanzibar and the UK? The war lasted only 38 minutes.

2. In the 1800s, bathing was not a common practice in America due to the belief that human pores would open up, making the body susceptible to diseases.

3. The ancient Egyptians used to shave their eyebrows when their cats died in order to show their sorrow.

4. The largest and most magnificent library in the ancient world was the Library of Alexandria. Unfortunately, it burned down multiple times, and the entire collection was lost.

5. In 1836, a sheriff in California needed a new hangman after his previous one quit. So, he offered the job to the prisoner with the longest sentence, promising to commute his sentence if the execution went well. The prisoner succeeded and was indeed freed!

6. The word "assassin" comes from the Arabic word "hashshashin," which means "user of hashish." The killers who were sent on suicide missions would use hashish to numb their senses.

7. The Great Wall of China, which is over 13,000 miles long, took over 2000 years to build and involved the labor of millions of workers.

8. Women in ancient Rome used to soak tampons in a mixture of crocodile dung and tree resin as contraception. Yikes!

9. The "War of the Bucket" was a conflict between two Italian city-states (Bologna and Modena) in 1325 that was caused by a stolen bucket from a well.

10. The deadliest war in history was World War II, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 70-85 million people worldwide.

Hope you enjoyed these facts!


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