15 amazing scientific facts | Random and simple

 1-algae: about 50-80% of the Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean thanks to microscopic algae and other marine life.

2-Lightning: lightning strikes the Earth about 40-120 times every second, the Lightning temperature is higher than the surface temperature of the sun and makes a bright flash and strong sound.

3-light: nothing can travel faster than light in a vacuum, which is at a constant speed of 299,792 kilometers per second, even a super internet connection is approaching it!

4-freezing the brain: this painful cold sensation after consuming cold drinks, the truth is not that your brain is already frozen, but it is caused by the constriction of blood vessels in your head due to the rapid change in temperature.

5-Rainbow: raindrops behave like small saws, and the curvature of the sun's Rays at different angles causes the creation of a colored ray that we call a rainbow, and strangely enough is the specific order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and Violet is always the same.

6-coffee craze: the smell of freshly brewed coffee can stimulate your olfactory system resulting in the release of dopamine which is a chemical in your brain, which explains why this morning cup is irresistible!

7-tongue twister: contrary to popular belief, different areas of your tongue do not taste certain flavors. Instead, your taste buds all over your tongue work together to create an overall perception of flavor.

8-Star Trek: The Stars that you see every night probably died millions of years ago, the reason is that the light needs a long time to reach US, which means that we see an old image of the star, it's like when you see an airplane in the sky and after the plane moves away for a certain distance you hear its sound, that is, the sound needed time to reach you!
9-moon illusion: the moon appears much larger when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky this is an optical illusion, there are various theories explaining it, but nothing has been conclusively proven so far.

10-the highest temperature: the highest temperature recorded on Earth was not in the desert but in Death Valley in California, where it reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees Celsius) in 1913. In Iraq, the temperature can reach (54 degrees Celsius) in the summer!

11-animal powers: bats use echolocation to see in the dark by emitting sound waves, this allows them to navigate and hunt insects with great accuracy.

12-diamond surprise: diamond is basically compact carbon, the same element that graphite is made of in pencil! Just imagine the stress it takes to turn a pencil lead into a precious gem.

13-the largest living being: the largest living being in the world is not an animal, but a giant mushroom that covers 2385 acres in Oregon, imagine a mushroom bigger than the size of 1700 football fields!

14-the theory of the Butterfly Effect: a small butterfly flapping its wings in China can lead to a hurricane in Canada, demonstrating the interconnectedness and unpredictable nature of the systems of our planet.

15-gravity: you are not actually heavier on Earth than the moon, your weight depends on the force of gravity acting on you, which is much weaker on the moon, which makes you feel lighter, although your mass remains the same, that is, your weight varies in each planet according to the force of gravity of the planet.

These are some simple scientific facts to pique your curiosity, keep exploring and learning there is a whole world of wonders waiting to be discovered!

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