15 Strange and random facts


1- The number of inhabitants of the Earth is approximately the same as the number of ants in a large anthill. (An estimated 8 billion humans, 1-10 billion ants in a large anthill)

2- There is a species of jellyfish that can return to the tumor stage and become biologically immortal, namely toritopsis Dorni.

3- Popsicles were accidentally invented by an 11-year-old boy named Frank Eberson, he left soda powder and water outside overnight with a wooden stick in the Cup, the mixture froze in cold weather which led to the birth of the popsicle for which he later received a patent.

4- Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins by slowing down their heart rate, sloths manage to stay submerged for up to 40 minutes while Dolphins need to come out for air after about ten minutes.

5- Janet Rankin was elected to Congress before women's suffrage was granted and became the first woman in the US Federal Bureau in 1916, four years before American women gained the right to vote.

6- Fruit Rings: cereal rings are all the same flavor-no need to eat them by color and flavor! They all taste the same except for cranberry rings.

7- Supermarket apples can be very stale, the fresh apples you see on grocery store shelves are usually picked between August and November, covered with wax, dried with hot air and sent to cold storage, after six to twelve months they finally land in your shopping cart.

8- Cats have more than 100 different sounds while dogs have only about 10. They communicate more like Meow China!

9- Dentistry has been around since 7000 BC which makes dentists one of the oldest professions, ancient humans were already worried about their teeth long before the advent of modern dental practices.

10- The first computer mouse was made of wood. It resembled a train track control ball and was used with early computers in 1960.

11- Poinanthropy is a psychological disorder where patients think they are cows, yes you read that correctly-some people really think they are cows.

12- The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses, although only the first two are sung. Most people do not know the rest!

13- There is a type of tree in Brazil called" Walking palm " that can actually move up to 20 feet a year in search of sunny spots.

14- The inhabitants of the earth use almost the same amount of water every day that fills the Grand Canyon twice. (Estimated at 4 trillion cubic meters / year)

15- The hottest hot pepper in the world is Carolina Reaper, so hot that it can cause hallucinations and chemical burns. It's not for a weak tongue!

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