Celebrating the true meaning of Valentine's day


February 14 is the date of red hues and whispers of romance and the smell of sweet chocolate. Valentine's day is a celebration carved in tradition but full of complexities, it is a day that raises questions about love and its expression, and the societal view of it.

The origins of Valentine's day are shrouded in a fog of time and Legend. Some believe that ancient Roman festivals such as Lupercalia is a celebration of fertility. Others point to Saint Valentine, a martyred priest who was said to have secretly married men and women and this was against the emperor's decree forbidding marriage. While the historical truth of the beginning of Valentines remains unknown, over time it gradually evolved into a celebration of love that took different forms across cultures and eras.

Over the centuries, customs developed, fueled by literary giants such as Chaucer and Shakespeare, romantic poems and love letters became the norm, paving the way for the tradition of lovers exchanging love letters, and by the 19th century greeting cards, candy and flowers became symbols of affection.

For many, Valentine's day represents the peak of romantic expression. It is a day when loved ones exchange gifts and feelings, and also represents an opportunity for merchants to earn more money, you will see stores decorated with red decorations and full of Valentine's day products such as red bears, shapes, gift cards, red roses and others.

The exclusivity only of romantic love between the beloved and the beloved generates even more paradox. While romantic love deserves its due, ignoring other forms of Love risks diminishing the rich fabric of human communication. Love between friends, family members, and even our pets is often neglected, and its importance has been neglected by the individualistic focus on romantic partnerships.

This narrow definition of Valentine's day also excludes single individuals whose experiences and expressions of love do not fit neatly into the commercially defined box of Valentine's day, the need for a more holistic approach to celebrating love in all its diverse forms should be highlighted.

Instead of succumbing to the usual definition of Valentine's day, the essence of Valentine's day may lie in a more accurate understanding of love. It can be an opportunity to rediscover simple ways of communication and to express appreciation to loved ones in simple ways, this may include spending quality time with loved ones or simply expressing gratitude for their presence in our lives.

This is considered a reworking of Valentine's day and made it go beyond commercial boundaries and become a springboard for deeper thinking about love. It also pushes us to consider the different aspects of love in our lives, appreciate its multiple expressions and celebrate its existence in all its forms, not just those dictated by the usual norms of love.

Moreover, looking at the historical context of Valentine's Day reminds us that love stories have not always been fairy tales. The story of St. Valentine himself highlights the struggle for love in the face of persecution. Similarly, throughout history, countless individuals have fought for the right to love freely regardless of their social status.

One of the historical love stories

The love story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony: a powerful queen and a Roman general whose passionate love affair changes the course of history.

Their love story was etched in history, as big and exciting as the empires they ruled. Mark Antony, a powerful and brilliant Roman general, met Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt in 41 bc, it was not a chance meeting for them but a calculated political move organized by Cleopatra in which she asked for protection and alliance against her brother while Antony needed Egyptian resources to realize his ambitions.

But what started as a political alliance soon turned into a passionate love affair, Cleopatra known for her intelligence and intellect was a stark contrast to the battle-hardened Antony, their nights were filled with lavish banquets and intellectual discussions and whispered secrets in the palace gardens, they boasted of their love and defied Roman traditions and provoked the wrath of Antony's political rival Octavian.

They ruled together for some time and were ecstatic with their love and in the glory of their power, they had three children which strengthened their personal and political ties and yet their happiness was a fragile bubble rumors of their decadent lifestyle and their disregard for Roman customs reached Rome sparking a growing resentment against Antony.

Octavian is a person fueled by ambition and personal hostility, manipulated Roman public opinion and painted Antony as weak besieged by a foreign queen and the inevitable clash came in 31 BC at the Battle of Actium despite Cleopatra's powerful naval fleet, strategic mistakes led to their defeat, their dream of a powerful empire was shattered, they retreated to Egypt and faced accusations of treason and the looming threat of Octavian's Army.

Faced with the end, both chose their tragic path. Cleopatra, fearing humiliation ended her life with the ASP poison, leaving behind a letter declaring her devotion to Antony and when the news of her death reached him Anthony fell sad and disappointed on his sword and chose to join her instead of facing Octavian's wrath.

Their story, although tragic, left an indelible mark on history. It has become a cautionary tale about ambition, love and the dangers of challenging societal norms. And their passion, although it did not last long, but it could not be denied and became forever linked in the grand narrative of love, strength and loss.

And yet the complexity of their story goes beyond tragic romance. Some historians argue that their love was real, others consider it a political ploy. Either way it shaped their chemistry making their love story very historic.

Even today, more than two thousand years later, the story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony continues to impress us. It reminds us that love and power can be intertwined, that ambition can have devastating consequences, and that even the strongest can be brought down by forces beyond their control. It is a love story that resonates through the ages, a testament to the enduring power of passion and the fragility of Empires.

In the end, Valentine's day is a spectacle, reflecting many points of view and experiences, it serves as a powerful reminder of the power and intricacies of love itself. Its true meaning lies not in the observance of the described ritual, but in its use as a catalyst for reflection, appreciation and the constant development of our understanding of love in all its forms.

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